These bonuses are listed as “XP Objectives” in the perk menu. Perks level in two major ways: Zed kills and bonuses. Killing Floor's perks are a unique lot, and with the exception of SWAT/Commando, there's very little overlap. These perks wreak havoc on the Zed masses, assuming your squad mates aren't attempting the same. For rounds where you take precedent as the 'carry', consider playing big earners like Commando, Support, and Demolitions. These two archetypes fill specialist roles, the former making great gains without triple digit eliminations. In cases like this, it helps to target perks that don't require as many Zed kills, like Field Medic or Sharpshooter.
Some matches may just have you taking a backseat while a teammate wades into the fire. In every cooperative game, someone gobbles up most of the glory. Ramping up the difficulty may cut into your team's Dosh earnings, but the extra enemies grant more kills and better experience gains.Ĭhoose perks that gain more average experience per match Slashers, for example, will perform quick rolls and leaps to dodge your attacks- It's truly amazing to see in action. Dipping your toes into Suicidal gives the horde new abilities, faster speeds, and shorter tempers.
When things get dialed up, don't just expect a lazy health and damage increase for all the Zeds. Killing Floor 2 was praised at launch for its gameplay on higher difficulties.